Great Banquet


Spring 2025

Men GB #142, Lay Director Jonathan Thompson – Little Galilee Camp, March 20-23, 2025

Women GB #143, Lay Director Kaye Schroeder – Little Galilee Camp, April 3-6, 2025

Fall 2025

Men GB #144 – Little Galilee Camp, September 11-14, 2025

Women GB #145 – Little Galilee Camp, September 25-28, 2025

What is Great Banquet?
The Gospel of Luke presents the parable of the Great Banquet. Jesus tells of a master who prepared a great banquet and invited many guests, saying “Come, for everything is now ready.” After so many excuses for not attending by his invited guests, the master became angry and ordered his servants, “Go quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.”

After this had been done and still room remained, the master told his servant, “Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.” Then, as additional invitations were given, the banquet was presented to his guests. The result of the master’s invitation was to feast and fellowship at a banquet given by God. (Luke 14: 15-24)

What Happens at the Great Banquet?
The Great Banquet is a 72-hour experience, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening. For three days, guests live and study together in a worshipful time of singing, prayer and discussion. During each of the fifteen talks given by laity and clergy, the theme of God’s grace is presented. Guests participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and examine more fully the presence of Christ in His body of believers. They personally experience His grace through the prayers and acts of a loving, Christian support community.

Click here for Great Banquet Application

Great Banquet Application Instructions

Ways to Support the Weekend:

72-hour prayer Vigil
Support the weekend with your prayers!

Men’s prayer Vigil:

Woman’s prayer Vigil:

Meal Servers

Men’s meal sign-up:

Woman’s meal sign-up:

Make it a party! Bring some table decorations, a little agape and have a good time! Please note: Parents/Sponsors of sleepers should not serve until Sunday. 8 servers needed per meal.

Please remember, events taking place at Little Galilee are for adults and youth who have attended a Fourth Day (Banquet, Emmaus, Cursillo) or Awakening weekend. Children (and others who have not attended a weekend) should not be at weekend events to serve meals, attend registration, candlelight or closing. However, a great way to get the kids (and others) involved is to have them attend the dedications and make weekend agape.

General Conference Room Agape letters
Let our guests and team know how you have been praying for them and offering up sacrificial
acts of agape on their behalf!

Set-up/Clean Up
4:30 pm Wednesday before the weekend
4:00 pm – 1 hour after Closing

Gut Bucket Band 7:30 PM, Saturday
Bring a costume (or we will provide a silly hat!)  sing a song, provide entertainment(?) for the weekend.

Candlelight Worship 8:30 PM, Saturday
Join us for community worship, as we lift up each guest and team in prayer, celebrate
communion & reconnect with one another.
* Help with set-up at 7:00 pm

Closing Worship 5:00 PM, Sunday
Hear how God has changed lives in 72 hours!

Make a Banner!
We are in need of new banners to share on the weekends. A great reunion group project!

Agape Gifts
All those cute little gifts can make a BIG impact.
Plan on 60-70 gifts per weekend.